As a professional services marketer in the A|E|C industry, your workweek is an assault on your brain, body, and spirit. The demands of your job are fast-paced. Expectations of staying ever-connected, always available, and an organization ninja are completely unrealistic. It's no surprise that personal wellness seems unachievable. Many of us struggle to balance our work demands, technological distractions, and healthy lifestyle choices. To shed light on these challenges, I conducted a personal wellness survey. The results were eye-opening, yet instructive. In this post, we will delve into the survey data and provide practical recommendations to improve your well-being and lead a more balanced life. 1. Disconnect to Reconnect - Sleep! The survey revealed that 4 out of 10 marketers often or regularly have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Sleep is crucial for overall health and productivity. Poor sleep patterns can have adverse effects on both mental and physical well-being. Recommendations: 2. Fuel Your Day Right Surprisingly, 45% of respondents do not eat breakfast regularly, or their breakfast diet is imbalanced. Breakfast is often considered the most important meal of the day as it kickstarts your metabolism and provides essential nutrients. Recommendations: 3. Work Overload Over half (54%) of the respondents often or regularly reported having more work than what is possible within a 40-hour week. Work overload can lead to burnout, reduced productivity, and increased stress levels. Recommendations: 4. The Power of Saying "No" On a positive note, 59% of respondents felt comfortable saying "No" to their supervisors when necessary. This assertiveness is essential in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. 5. Successful People Delegate Shockingly, only 19% of respondents had the option to delegate tasks to others. This suggests potential understaffing issues or inefficient workflow practices. Recommendations: 6. Make Exercise a Routine More than half (53%) of the respondents admitted to rarely or sometimes getting 30 minutes of daily exercise. Regular physical activity is crucial for overall well-being and can significantly impact productivity and mental clarity. Recommendations: 7. Digital Detox Worryingly, only 30% of respondents felt they could ignore their phones, emails, and texts when needed. This indicates a growing trend of difficulty in managing online habits. Recommendations: Conclusion
The personal wellness survey highlights the challenges many of us face in maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle. These recommendations are a start. If you are serious about changing your habits create accountability. This may mean hiring a life coach or going to a few counseling sessions with a therapist. Investing in your well-being improves your productivity, creativity, and overall quality of life. Make a commitment to yourself and take the first steps towards a healthier, more fulfilling existence. Your well-being is worth it! Take the 3-Minute Personal Wellness Survey HERE!
AuthorGabe Lett, FSMPS, CPSM, LPC Archives
December 2024
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